Roos Bijvoet

Roos is the marketing maestro behind the dynamic growth of a top-tier M&A platform. Her strategic expertise in content creation and SEO is validated by a substantial increase in user engagement and customer satisfaction scores. Colleagues know her as the go-to visionary for turning complex concepts into compelling marketing narratives. With an academic foundation in Marketing and International Business, Roos combines analytical acumen with creative zest. She’s a digital art enthusiast whose designs reflect the vibrancy of her campaigns. At the core, Roos embodies a combination of relentless innovation, continuous learning, and a genuine passion for connecting people with powerful stories.

Highlight from Roos Bijvoet

The M&A sector – gender diversity is becoming the new norm

The image of the M&A world is often different from the day-to-day realities. If we are to believe (some) series on Netflix, we will see that it is still a classic men's club, where men with big egos call the shots. However, that’s a huge contrast to...

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